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18 years ago on a snowy day all the way in Amsterdam I became a mom for the first time, what a joy and blessing that is.

The moment you realize that you are pregnant you start loving this precious baby growing inside of you. I remember we moved to the US when she was 2 months old. New country , new language and a new culture.

After 18 years we still call America our second home we might move one day but the US will always be in our hearts.

Welcome to Adulthood, why did time go so fast?? Today we celebrate you , you are truly a blessing to us. We wish you a Happy, Healthy, and Blessed Birthday. Know that you can do anything you put your mind to. We all know you’re wonderful. In fact, we’ve known it for 18 years! Hope your day is everything that you hope it can be! Hartleijk Gefeliciteerd, Masha Pabien! Welcome to adult...... but know that you will always be our baby girl.

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